Right now im taking the time to say how grateful I am. I always loved rap but didn't want to go the route of rapping. I wanted to do albooks and make a name for myself with a genre. After gratefully being encouraged by Lock to rap and poured into continuously I woke up one Sunday feeling more of an itch to rap with having multiple bars written down already. None to original songs, all just verses I came up with to songs I liked.
Finally on a random Sunday/Monday I started asking people for any tips they can give me. Tuesday I went through YouTube looking for beats to match what I already had written and found beautiful beats that also sequenced well when I saved them on YouTube. That next day, Wednesday March 30th, I texted my engineer im ready to rap, booked a time, pulled up and impressed him himself after the first song, and came up with 1 that's sounds like it could be a commercial hit. From my 3rd time recording, first really sitting down and locking in. With 3 days of back to back 2hr sessions I had a full rough of my first mixtape Rapper Author Poet Speaker or RAPS for short. A week after I went to record a track for reps then a couple days later made a what may be my best cover and photoshop art ever. So much so im considering just using it for my project and not use my original idea.
I am so grateful to be blessed with the time, freedom, flexibility, money, resources of people, equipment, encouragement and know-how for all I've done in a week. I just sent the files off to my mixed then will have the official audios for my first mixtape and am so very grateful and honored.
P.S. just uploaded this message at 3:11. My birthday.