Available Services
Public Speaking
Whether keynote, panel, workshop, fireside chat, hosting, or workshops, Shelby delivers an empowering message leaving the audience educated and empowered.
Graphic Design
With a network of graphic designers we're here to bring logos, covers, pictures, flyers and more of your original ideas to life.
Brand Strategizing
If you are an established business (3+ years) and looking to revamp, we're here to help your business reach greater and new markets.
Web Development
Specializing in Wix websites, allow us to bring your portfolio and company site to life.
Business Development
As an aspiring or new entrepreneur looking for guidance we'll create systems to get your business off on the right track.
Book Publishing
With a network of skilled designers and editors we're here to help bring your book to life with editing, structuring & formatting, resizing, and format conversion.