In this workshop Shelby breaks down self-awareness by tracing back triggers and personality traits to identify in what phases of life many are stuck in.


Social Media Branding and Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Whether you're feeling stuck in your business or have no idea how this business of social media works, this workshop will teach you every step to organically grow your business on social media.

Strategizing and Goals Setting
Strategizing and Goals Setting
In this workshop we go through a quarterly, monthly, and weekly way to organize our life.
Public Speaking
In this workshop you will learn the fundamentals and basics of public speaking in interviews, social media lives, panels, and more.

Public Speaking
Monthly Prep
Experience a taste of Creatives Circle as the members prepare their content, goals, and work for the month.

Monthly Prep 1/4/23

NFT's are taking over the world. If you're an artist of any form or just someone into art and crypto, check out this workshop.